Energy Certification

The Energy Certification of buildings is regulated by Dec-Law No. 78/2006, and aims to transpose into national legislation the provisions of Articles 5 and 6 of Community Directive No 2002/91/EC, which obliges member states to ensure the effective implementation of minimum regulatory requirements for energy performance in order to ensure their energy efficiency, ensuring good indoor air quality, free of risks to public health and enhancing comfort and productivity.
With its passage, it became mandatory for any sale or lease to issue a prior energy certificate of each fraction or building marketed, as well as, from the outset, the advertising of the respective category in the disclosure phase, under penalty of fine, either to the owner or to the mediator in charge of the promotion.
It is a mandatory document since January 1, 2009, issued by technicians authorized by ADENE (National Energy Agency) and is valid for a period of 10 years.
We have several contacts acquired over years of experience, we will be happy to help you in obtaining this document.