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Tax Benefits

Tax Benefits

Non-Habitual Residents


In 2009 Portugal created the tax regime for non-habitual residents (RNH) that was designed to promote the transfer of residence to Portugal for investors, specialized professionals and entrepreneurs.


The special regime for Non-habitual Residents applies to single persons and provides for the reduction or the exemption from income taxo f dependente or independente workers, regarding pensions, capital gains and othe income for a period of 10 years.




Wages obtained in Portugal arising from a high value-added activity applies a flat tax rate of 20%.


Income obtained abroad may be totally exempt:


  • For property income, rentals and capital gains, the exemption applies to the income that can be taxed in the country of origin, provided i tis not considerde a “tax haven”.
  • For benefits and retirements pensions the exemption is granted, provided that the income is not considered as obtained in Portugal.




To be considered as a tax residente in Portugal according to the rules of taxable residency:


  • Stay in Portugal more than 183 days in a period of 12 months.
  • To have a house that can be considered as usual residence (rent or purchase), in December 31st of the year in question.


Not been taxed in Portugal in the last five years.